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Fiasco An Ever Expanding Collection Of Playsets

Fiasco: An Ever-Expanding Collection of Playsets

About Fiasco

What is Fiasco?

Fiasco is a game about ordinary people with powerful ambition and poor impulse control. There will be big dreams and flawed execution. It won't go well for them, to put it mildly, and in the end, something will be lost.

How to Play Fiasco

Fiasco is an award-winning GM-less game for 3-5 players designed to be played in a few hours with no preparation. During a game, you engineer and play out stupid situations that escalate quickly and end badly.


An ever-growing collection of 598 Fiasco RPG playsets is available on the Fiasco website. These playsets provide a setting and a cast of characters for you to use in your Fiasco games.

Submit a Playset

If you have a great idea for a Fiasco playset, you can submit it to the Fiasco website. The Fiasco community is always looking for new and exciting playsets to try out.


Fiasco is a great game for anyone who loves to tell stories about flawed characters making poor decisions. With its ever-expanding collection of playsets, there's always a new adventure to be had.


